[Sharing July 15 VTDigger article by Jim Therrien ]

A legislative committee charged with recommending reforms to Act 250, Vermont’s landmark 1970 environmental planning legislation, is holding a series of public meetings this summer and fall. About 75 people attended a July 11 forum in Manchester. The predominant themes focused on the longstanding call for a less cumbersome and quicker review process for development projects coming before the regional Act 250 commissions.
The next forums are July 25 at Chase Community Center at VT Law School in South Royalton, Aug. 22 at the American Legion in Island Pond, Sept. 5 at the Franklin Conference Center in Rutland, and Sept. 12 at the Elks Lodge in Burlington. All forums are 6-8pm. Individual comments may also be submitted via email.
VT Digger article link: Forum weighs future of Vermont’s landmark Act 250
Commission documents, presentations, and meeting minutes: Commission on Act 250: The Next 50 Years