Thriving Communities Round Up
A sampling of housing news and opinion from around the state

It’s been a busy week in the Vermont affordable housing world, from the opening of the Bridge and Main Building in White River Junction (read the Valley News story here) to Vermont Housing and Conservation Board’s awarding of $6,594,615 to build or rehabilitate 59 affordable homes in Bristol, Derby, and statewide through Habitat For Humanity, Vermont Center for Independent Living, as well as funding for shared equity homeownership grants and the conservation of 1,050 acres of farmland and 146 acres of recreational and forest land (read more here). Our congressional delegation announced renewed AmeriCorps funding from the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS), with $335,822 going to Vermont Housing and Conservation Board (VHCB). These AmeriCorps members increase the capacity and effectiveness of the community-based organizations they serve while gaining leadership skills.
Meanwhile, the impending sale of the Lakeview Mobile Home Park in Shelburne (read the Seven Days and Burlington Free Press stories here) provides a unique opportunity for the residents to purchase the park and turn it into a resident-managed co-op. If they choose not to purchase the park, it will go onto the open market, but owner Trey Pecor said he would prefer to sell to the residents. Under Vermont law, mobile home residents have the right of first refusal if an owner decides to sell, and they are given 45 days to consider the purchase. CVOEO’s Mobile Home Project will be working with the residents as they determine next steps.
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