Guest blog post by Justin Srsic, Resident Engagement VISTA at the Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition
With the continued spread of COVID-19 variants, and in an effort to accommodate more Vermonters, Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition (VAHC) is moving its #housed802 Community Meeting initiative online.
As the Housing Crisis continues to affect more and more Vermont residents from the unhoused to families that simply cannot find any housing to rent or buy in an affordable fashion, VAHC wants to incorporate all voices at our table. Over the next several months, these meetings will work to meet three objectives:
- Education: Through short presentations from Coalition members, attendees will
have the opportunity to learn about some of VAHC’s most important legislative
priorities, how those policies would effect them if enacted, and receive real-time
updates about how these priorities are advancing in the State House. - Discussion: A large portion of these community meetings will consist of an open
discussion to talk about these legislative priorities and for attendees to give their
input and offer suggestions about these issues. - Advocacy: Attendees will have the opportunity to organize next steps, band
together, and reach out to their representatives regarding affordable housing
Get involved! The next community meeting will be held Tuesday, Jan. 25 from 7-8:30pm and can be joined through the Zoom link below. Please reach out to Resident Engagement VISTA, Justin Srsic, at justin@vtaffordablehousing.org or (802) 242-1517 if you would like to learn more about this or if you have any questions.
Join Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/81805238958?pwd=SEZsNXhnUUhzYkJjanB4M1IwUzl2Zz09
Meeting ID: 818 0523 8958
Passcode: 304866
One tap mobile:
+13017158592,,81805238958#,,,,*304866# US (Washington DC)
+13126266799,,81805238958#,,,,*304866# US (Chicago)
The Vermont Affordable Housing Coalition (VAHC) is committed to ensuring all Vermonters have decent, safe and affordable housing. With more than 80 members, VAHC represents much of Vermont’s affordable housing landscape. This includes non-profit affordable housing developers, community land trusts, housing and homeless advocacy groups, public housing authorities, regional planners, economic service providers, funders, state agencies, and others. VAHC advocates for affordable housing interests and the interests of low-income Vermonters at the state and federal levels. To learn more, visit https://www.vtaffordablehousing.org/